SUNDAY MAY 18, 2025
The season begins in Hopkinton!
Please utilize these course maps to familiarize yourself with the venue before race day. Be prepared, be aware, and be safe! Checkout the overview map below.
¼ Mile - Point to Point Swim – The swim starts at the boat house and finishes at the upper beach – no turns…a straight shot! The swim course is also great for family, friends and spectators as they line the reservoir cheering athletes on. The water is typically cool this time of year, (58-62′) and wetsuits are required.
*** Practice Swims – are only permitted on Race Day. The Department of Conservation & Recreation’s guidelines prohibits athletes from completing practice swims. Please follow these guidelines, thank you! ***
10 Miles – The Bike Course covers rural back roads of Southborough, Ashland and Hopkinton. There are steady climbs located at Mile 2 and Mile 7. Please use all defined Bike Lanes throughout the course. Always follow local traffic laws when riding the course, as Auto Traffic is present. Race day will include detailed police officers at necessary intersections. RideWithGPS HERE
3.1 Miles – 100% inside scenic HSP. Crowd cheers echoing off the reservoir will help you as you make your way to the 300-yd. flagged chute to the huge arched finish line.
This 2 Mile opening Run is an out and back inside the state park.
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